Possible (Im)Possibilities



















The conceptual context for the exhibition “Possible (Im)possibilities - A Retrospective of Satisfaction”,  allows the viewer to journey along, together with the artists, throughout their own personal inner processes and struggles caused by their pursuit of reaching out for something that might seem impossible. The unaccustomed mix and use of materials and their extensive and differing processing techniques as well as high end technology, format the vehicle of investigation into the multiple stages of their individual research, processes and implementation and into their individual mixed media world.

“Possible (Im)possibilities” could be described as a multi-dimensional transformation of perspective and forms of change with particular relevance to post-modern culture manifesting as a form of ultimate metamorphoses, mutation annd transformation.

Alexander Ketele, Sophie Papiau, Akiko Suzuki, Frans van Viegen and Ron Weijers all are of a kind of artists, tackling a large variety of subjects and addressing the significant shifts in paradigms of existence that the collide of culture, nature and technology brings forward. Centered around three modes of alteration: Mutation, Transformation and Metamorphosis. With their work they research into questions like how it can assist in the development of a brighter future. They explore the ideas of transformation and contradiction. The process of making the work is fundamental to developing a visual language through which they can communicate the feeling of their experience to the viewer. Their works define and redefine the meanings of process and transformation. Bringing elements of chaos and dissonance into a state of harmony, each work matures into a fully realized presence.

Living on an artistic edge, discovering new horizons and targetting on reaching a state of satisfaction within their processes, anytime one reflects on the past to improve the future.